Sunday, October 30, 2011

30 Minutes, No Technology!

No technology! What an interesting phrase. I hadn’t stopped to think about what I would do if I had no technology available. I’m surrounded by technology no mater where I go, whether it be home or work. It’s hard to imagine life without it because we are engulfed with it. Most things we use involve technology, so it’s difficult to get away from it. For a 30 minute no technology experience, I decided that the only way to get away from technology was to leave my home. I went on a 30-minute walk to a nearby park with my dog. Usually when I walk my dog, I carry my iPhone with me and listen to music, make a phone call or even browse the Internet. Even then I use technology!
Yesterday, I walked around the park and for the first time really enjoyed my surroundings. The weather was great so the fresh air felt great. I had the opportunity to watch people at the park and saw many using their phones as I do everyday. It was nice to enjoy the weather and the beautiful things that surrounded me at the park without the distraction of technology. Our park has a large water fountain with a pond, so it was nice to sit on the rocks and just relax and enjoy the view. I realize that technology has taken over our lives but that we can survive without it for least 30 minutes a day. It’s easy to forget what life was like before we had so much technology!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Moodle in the Classroom

         Moodle is one of the many types of learning management systems that are available to teachers to construct online learning sites. Moodle originally stood for Module Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, but it can also be used as a verb that means finding your way through something that usually leads to creativity or comprehension of a subject. The first time I was exposed to Moodle was through my college course called New Technologies of Instruction. I was immediately captivated by its easy navigation, interactive presentation, and creative use for learning. As an elementary educator I quickly began to think of how I could incorporate Moodle into my classroom. Moodle can be used in large educational settings like universities, but can also be modified for the primary classroom (Moodle, 2011).
         Moodle can be used in a variety of ways. Most users use it to deliver content, create a collaborative environment of learners or simply as a hobby. There are several advantages to using Moodle that include flexibility, access to innovative tools, technical support, communication, collaboration, peer review quality, and reliability. A major advantage that I discovered was that it is available in many languages, which increases the accessibility to users from different parts of the world.
         Some disadvantages found by Moodle critics are that Moodle lacks efficient use of space, problems with too much customization and the capability to create high-level assessment and grading capabilities. The good news about the disadvantages is that companies that support Moodle are helping deal with these kinds of issues.
        Moodle is a learning management system that could benefit my students and would allow me to create a creative collaborative learning environment. There are many ways that Moodle can be used in the primary classroom. Some interesting ways that I found I could incorporate Moodle are as a forum to give students the opportunity to extend classroom topics beyond the class discussion, as a resource that provides helpful links for student learning or practice during center time, as a way to deliver content, display student pictures or class videos, and as a form of communication about the classroom for parents. A very beneficial use would be for storage of resources such as PowerPoint and Smart Board lessons, which I use very often in the classroom. The only drawback that I can find is time. Time is very valuable in a classroom setting and very difficult to manage. Although Moodle would be engaging and useful, students must understand appropriate use and copyright laws before implementing in the classroom. It seems that there are endless possibilities with Moodle and it can be used in creative ways to enhance student learning. There are many sites that offer tutorials and sources on how to use Moodle. I am looking forward to using Moodle and giving my students the opportunity to share their ideas and grow as learners. As society continues to advance in technology using technology in the classroom as a part of learning will prepare students for success in the future.

M, Martinez & S, Jagannathan. (2008). Moodle: A Low-Cost Solution for Successful e-Learning. Retrieved from:

2011. Moodle. Retrieved from:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Experiences with Social Media

         Todays society is surrounded my many types of social media.  It’s common for most people to have either heard or used it at one time or another.  Not only do young people use it, a study from May 2010 shows that social networking usage increased by 88% among people ages 55-64 and it increased by 100% among users over the age of 65 (Jones, 2011). I personally have used MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube. I have heard of Twitter and Blogger but haven’t ever used it.  Currently, the only social network site I use is YouTube and a blog.
         Everyone I know either has Facebook or Twitter.  From 2005- 2008 MySpace was the most popular social networking site (2011). During that time almost everyone I knew had a MySpace including myself. I was in the process of earning my teaching degree and my professors were always advising us, as future teachers not to have a MySpace because employers had access and it could affect whether you got a job or not. So, therefore I stopped using MySpace and about that time Facebook took over. In May 2009 Facebook exceeded the number of visitors and overtook MySpace (2011). Everyone I knew no longer had MySpace and had switched over to Facebook. I didn’t use Facebook for very long because at the time I had just started as a teacher and was always too busy to log in, so I slowly stopped using it. Also, I began to hear stories from my friends with bad experiences with Facebook such as certain information being posted without their permission. Other experiences I heard about were about negative posts that were ruining relationships, so I figured the best way to protect my privacy was to stay away from social media networks. I really don’t see much advantages for myself using it, besides keeping up with old friends, which I can just text or email.  I guess the question would be, am I missing out or am I being smart by staying away from social media networks like Facebook and Twitter?

         A social network I have never used and would be interested in learning about is Delicious. It is the leading social bookmarking service. Through my research I have discovered that as a student and educator it definitely has some advantages. Some of the advantages include, organized bookmarks using tags, access to your bookmarks from any computer, and option to share bookmarks with friends and with others on the Internet (Delicious, 2011). It would save time to have my bookmarks available for quick access, so I am absolutely looking forward to using this web 2.0 tool.

Delicious Bookmarks. 2011. Retrieved from:

 Jones, Jennifer. Grandparents are using Social Networks. Speak Media Blog. (2011). Retrieved from:

MySpace. 2011.Retrieved from: